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Girl Drinking MilkHere you'll find solutions for your demanding fluid metering/dispensing needs.  We specialize in low-flow, high-accuracy pumps and systems.  Whether you're fortifying fluid milk with vitamins (A, D, or A&D) or adding flavoring to candy, we have the products and expertise to get you up and running quickly.

We're glad you found our site; spend some time looking around.  If you have an application question, feel free to send us an e-mail or give us a call.  We'd be happy to discuss your pumping requirements in detail.  We're here to help!


Progressive VMP System is here! E-mail


The latest Progressive Vitamin Metering Pump System is now available!



VMP pump system image


This innovative new pumping system provides accurate vitamin fortification for fluid milk processing.  It's a complete, simple, and sanitary metering system designed specifically for the dairy industry.

Fluid milk processors can now easily fortify milk with vitamin D, A, and A&D to meet the Federal Regulations of CFR 131.110

It works equally well for adding supplements (omega-3, vitamin C, colorants, etc.) to other food or beverage products.

  • Pump system offers the ultimate in simple and accurate vitamin fortification
  • Real-time printout of flow rate, time, and cumulative volume
  • Injection rates from 1 to 60 grams/min
  • Pressure capabilities up to 100 PSI (using HP head)

This pumping system offers user-configurable set points to eliminate "empty jug syndrome".  Operators will know the vitamin jug is nearing empty before they actually run out.

The system is self calibrating, simple to clean, and offers many features, including a keypad lockout to prevent unauthorized system changes.


Have Your Existing Metering Pumps Rebuilt E-mail

We have the knowledge, and stock the parts, to rebuild your Vita-Rite®, Bunge, Vitex®, Givaudan, Dairy HouseMasterflex®, or Tastemaker pumps.  If you need spare parts (pump heads), supplies (tubing/fittings) or a complete rebuild, we can help!  Be sure to check out our Parts & Accessories section for all your support needs.  Don't throw that old pump away, have it professionally rebuilt!

 900-0996 Vita-Rite Pump

      900-0996 / 7524-10 Pump Drive Series

                      (graphics vary)


 7550-90 Pump Drive

                  7550-90 Pump Drive



9000-210 Pump System

9000-210 / 9000-410 / 9000-610 Pump Drive Series

                           (graphics vary)

Click here to request a RMA for your metering pump rebuild








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